Friday 22 October 2010

Another Start


Gadamer, one of pioneers in Philosophical Hermeneutics says understanding is cyclic. You can't find start point of your understanding and can't forecast the end point of it.

Starting and also living is also cyclic. How can find the early point of start. It's just a sign can show another start point.

I know you didn't understand what I said. forgive it.

As you know, maybe in following week we start Dr. Ghahremani class. I created this blog for the aim of co-writing, -thinking and -working. In this way I guessed Linked-Mind can be a good name for this amazing blog. If you think is not, you can suggest better name.

I sent an invitation to those friends I knew they will join to class. it is Mr. Parsa duty to introduce all class members and I will invite all of them insha'Allah.

I think it's better to we try this co-acting in public without any limitation. In this way we can find lots of people are interested in our works and also invite some scholars, students and persons to visit our blog and leave a comments.
But if you don't like this idea, we can limit the audience of this blog.

For me, another start is going to be happen and I hope this start continue his cycle for long time. I like to tail my learning way and now I have this chance again. Thanks to Mr. Parsa for this permission.

I'm not sure about others feeling about this another start. I can feel the difficulty of another start. Doubts, doubts and doubts.

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