Sunday 7 November 2010

About narrative 1

This is a report of what is in my mind about narrative. I write it to share my idea with you.

Narratologists say that our world has been made by narratives. Every person and community has its own narratives which explain the mining of their tradition.

Let me give an example. For a Christian human beings born with Adam`s sin. It was a sin for Adam to eat illicit fruit. Gad didn`t forgive him and his sin is his heritage for human.

Based on this narrative from Adam`s story every Christian child is sinful from beginning of life…

This narrative in Islam is deferent. Yes Adam ate illicit fruit but he repented and Allah forgave him. In Islam every child born with a pure temperament (fetrat).

This difference in Adam`s narrative changes the Muslims lives in different ways.
Maybe the main deference between Islam and Christianity in looking to human come from this deference in Adam`s story.

I write more examples in future insha`allah…

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